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Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail Showcases New Job Actions Up To Level 100



Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail Showcases New Job Actions Up To Level 100


  • A new Final Fantasy 14 trailer has showcased the new and updated job actions for the upcoming Dawntrail expansion, all the way up to level 100.
  • Exciting updates include adjustable laylines for Black Mage, new ranged attacks for Monks, and additional summons for Summoner.
  • Viper and Pictomancer jobs were also showcased in the trailer, providing a sneak peek at their unique rotations and abilities.



A new Final Fantasy 14 trailer has been released by Square Enix showcasing all the new and updated battle actions for each job all the way up to level 100, while also giving us a closer look at the new Viper and Pictomancer jobs.

It’s a pretty exciting time to be a Final Fantasy 14 fan at the moment, as Square Enix is in full preparation mode for the release of the upcoming Dawntrail expansion, gradually drip feeding fans new details. Earlier today, it was revealed that players will get a free Fantasia to change their appearance once the expansion’s graphics update drops, an exciting revelation that was closely followed by a trailer showcasing all the updated job actions players will be able to get their hands on when Dawntrail launches.

Final Fantasy 14 players should be aware that Dawntrail will bump the level cap up to 100, bringing with it a bunch of new job actions for all existing classes, as well as some updates for certain jobs that could be done with a tweak. You can check the trailer out above, which has very convenient time stamps for each job in case you’re just interested in one or two, but there are some interesting additions to make note of.

Final Fantasy 14 Gives Us A Better Look At New Viper And Pictomancer Jobs

A couple of the popular changes are for Black Mage and Monks, the former of which now has adjustable laylines which you can now move around instead of having to plant and leave. On the other hand, Monks will now be pleased that they seem to be getting several new ranged attacks, what with the job being the only melee DPS without one. Summoner also gets yet another Bahamut, Red Mage gets yet another finisher, and Machinist gets a couple of gatling guns to add to their already bulging arsenal.

I am a relatively new Final Fantasy 14 player, so there are plenty of new job actions I’ll have missed, but you can check them out quite easily in te video above. However, we’re all new to the Viper and Pictomancer jobs though, and this trailer has given us our first good look at what their rotations will look like when we get our hands on them. It doesn’t mean much right now, as we don’t know what all the gauges and actions do, but Pictomancer gets a bonk hammer, and that’s all I need to be sold on the job.


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