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Greensparc Brings Reliable, Powerful Computing Infrastructure to Cordova – Alaska Business Magazine



Greensparc Brings Reliable, Powerful Computing Infrastructure to Cordova – Alaska Business Magazine

Koplin says Cordova Electric is Greensparc’s first data customer. The cooperative currently uses cloud-based applications, but the nearest cloud-based system is in Seattle. Security and reliability are a concern, Koplin says, especially as his system incorporates more real-time alerts for things like hostile attempts to reboot that could cripple the utility. The other concern is that, as data centers become oversubscribed, access may be restricted and costs inevitably rise, he says. Having local data options—not just for Cordova, but for all of Alaska—increases local self-sufficiency.

Greensparc also represents a significant boost for Cordova Electric’s user base.

Koplin explains, “With electric load comes revenue. That additional revenue—the Greensparc servers, if we are powering them all the time—would represent 5 percent of our energy sales. That’s revenue that we would not have. It’s beneficial to the whole utility.”

He adds, “Greensparc has elevated Cordova, Alaska, from a remote community at risk of being left behind by next-generation technologies to one that is leading at the intersection of sustainable energy, high-speed communications, and transformative cloud computing. Greensparc’s computing infrastructure is not an advancement; it is a transformation.”

Greensparc bills itself as the only edge infrastructure-as-a-service provider that is optimized for environmental, social, and governance requirements. The company has created a template for deploying data center infrastructure anywhere in the world with a smaller footprint, lower cost, and faster installation.

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