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Israeli army pushes deeper into Gaza civilian zones as condemnation grows



Israel is furious at this latest development.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that it is giving in to terrorism, a reward, and that it will not bring any peace to Israel.

He also said that “this evil”, in reference to Hamas, must not be given a country as it will try to repeat the October 7 massacre.

Norway said that it took this step because of the current government and the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, refusing to speak to anyone on the Palestinian side. Also, under his nose, allowing for the expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Earlier, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant reversed a 2005 disengagement law, which meant that Israel had to prevent Israeli settlers from returning back to some of those settlements in the occupied West Bank.

He allowed that today, meaning they could return. But, within hours, the Israeli central command chief [Yehuda Fox] cancelled that order and said that settlers wouldn’t be able to return.

This just gives you a sense of how angry Israel is about all of this.

All of this is happening as the occupation of the West Bank continues. As the war continues in Gaza. And as the families of those that have been abducted and taken captive in Gaza continue their protest against the Israeli government.

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